About Prashasti



Breast Cancer Self Help Group- An Approach

Cancer is a difficult journey, both for the one who is suffering as also their care givers. In our practice in India, we have noticed that this is all the more compounded by incorrect notions and incorrect ideas in the minds of people related to treatment of cancer. We firmly believe that having a correct knowledge of cancer and its treatment is half the war won already and helps those undergoing treatment and their care givers cope up with it better.

Women undergoing treatment of BC pass through a lot of emotional turmoil as also their near and dear ones. With an aim of encouraging sharing problems and providing solutions, by BC patients themselves, we started this group with 3 main aims
Arm them with knowledge- Awareness
Help them fight this illness- Support group
Solve all their treatment related doubts- Questions

Dr. Sudhi Agarwal Kamboj

Single burning candle has the potential to help kindle many more candles and together the light they produce can bring a New Wonderful Day.

A breast cancer support group is formed by women, who have already undergone treatment for breast cancer. There they meet together to discuss their experiences, share ideas and provide emotional support for one another. The importance of a support group is that, there is sharing of correct knowledge related to treatment of breast cancer. There are so many incorrect ideas about treatments of cancer, in the minds of people, that when the treatment starts, the patient is already biased against that treatment and it direcly affects her ability to withstand the treatment and side effects. If a lady is armed with correct information, that too, from a woman, who herself has finished this treatment, then she tolerates the treatment much better. And in a positive manner. 

The biggest feeling that a breast cancer patient witnesses, is that of ‘loneliness’. She feels herself to be different from rest of the world. Why me? And many such questions constantly affect her. In a support group, when that lady realizes that there are many more women who have braved this disease, she slowly overcomes the feeling of loneliness. This is often a revelation and a huge relief to the person. Being in a support group can also help a person develop new skill to relate to others. In addition, the members of the group who have the same problems can support each other and may suggest new ways of dealing with a particular problem. The other benefits of participating in support groups may include:
Gaining a sense of empowerment and control
Improving coping up skills and sense of adjustment
Reducing depression, anxiety and fatigue
Developing a clearer understanding of what to expect with your situation
Getting practical advice or information about treatment plans
With all these thoughts in mind a small effort is initiated from my side to provide, apart from conventional treatment a platform to all the sufferers and giving something extra to the society.

I had a very enthusiastic response with my first union in 2014, which encouraged me further to organize this second union in 2015. Your feedbacks are very crucial for me, for future meetings like this.

Thank you for giving your valuable time.
Your gracious presence is highly obliged.


Dr. Sudhi A Kamboj

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