Breast Surgery

What is Breast Surgery ?

Any surgical intervention done on breasts as a part of treatment is termed as Breast surgery. The department provides wide range of treatment options to patients with breast disorders be it cancerous, non-cancerous, cosmetic or infective,

MRM – also known as Modified Radical mastectomy, signifies removal of the whole affected breast with the adjacent axillary lymph nodes as a part of surgical clearance of breast cancer.
BCS – also known as Breast Conservation surgery, signifies the removal of the affected part of the breast with a wide cuff of normal margin with adjacent axillary lymph nodes to achieve local cancer control. Breast is saved with profound patient satisfaction, however patient selection is very important and radiation therapy is must to achieve long term results.
Ax LND – also known as axillary lymph nodes dissection, is done for residual or recurrent axillary nodal disease.
Sentinel LN Biopsy – is an intra-op staining and examination technique of axillar lymph nodes to identify the patients with risk of axillary nodal disease and to spare those with low risk of disease of morbid axillar dissection.
Oncoplastic Breast Surgery – is a combination of removal of tumor (Onco) along with restoration of Breast mound with the help of native tissues and/or implants (Plasty), with results equivalent to the conventional treatment. It is a much requested, high end technique, gaining popularity with rising awareness.

Benign Breast Lumps

Scarless Breast Lumps Excision (US-VABB) – also known as Ultrasound Guided Vacuum Assisted Breast Biopsy, is a latest technique in the armamentarium of Breast Surgery, where inspite of giving and incision and cutting and retracting the tissues, the lumps are removed via 5 to 7 mm hole. The probe cuts and sucks the tumor tissue under ultrasound guidance with minimal tissue handling. It is most suited for benign, small, multiple lumps and for those who want their lumps to be removed with much precision with minimal tissue handling, less discomfort and no visible scar.
Wide Local Excision – for giant lumps with high tendency for recurrence, it is advisable to undergo wide local excision. The resultant defect can be corrected with oncoplastic breast surgery.

Breast Infection

Breast abscess – breast abscess is a clinical condition with frank pus in the breast. It could be lactation related or non-lactation related. Most of the time, these abscesses requires surgical drainage. Giving antibiotics without draining the infected tissue leads to their organization into a hard lump like lesion, mimicking cancer, known as antibioma. Following drainage, the wound is dressed with Painless Vacuum Assisted Dressing, the single application of which is sufficient to generate healthy granulation to facilitate secondary closure. The results are remarkable.
Breast sinuses – is a clinical condition where due to rupture of a breast abscess through skin, a non-healing opening with a underlying tract remains. Due to the unhealthy tissue, these sinuses keep on causing recurrent infections. The ultimate treatment is the surgical exploration of the sinuses and excision with all its tract and cavity. The results are rewarding.

Aesthetic Breast Surgery

Breast being a secondary sexual organ, any abnormality in the appearance of breasts have a huge impact on the psychology of an individual. Through aesthetic breast surgeries, we boost up the confidence levels by correcting the deformities
Breast Augmentation – It is the enhancement of the breast mound by placing implants. The breasts becomes more prominent and appealing.
Breast Reduction – It signifies reducing the breast sizes in patients with gigantomastia, with significant health issues due to pressure symptoms and size.
Gyanecomastia surgery – sometimes the male breasts get noticeably enlarged, causing profound pshycological issues, and bringing down the confidence levels. Through gyanecomastia surgery, the excess breast tissues in males are taken out surgically, in level with the chest wall. The chances of recurrences are negligible with excellent patient outcome.
Nipple reconstruction – absence of nipples either during development, following surgery or as a part of oncoplastic breast surgery, can be overcome by re-constructing the nipple with the local skin and tattooing it later. Matching with the contra-lateral nipple areola complex.



Accessory / Axillary Breast

Accessory / Axillary Breast

Accessory Nipple

Bloody Nipple Discharge

Breast Lump

Giant Breast Lump

Breast Sinuses

Breast Sinuses

Breast Abscess



Nipple Invertoplasty

Corrected Nipple Retraction

Breast Reconstruction

TB Mastitis

Breast Conserving Surgery

Micrododectomy Surgery

Phyllodes tumor with Oncoplastic Breast Surgery

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